Fukushima – The Rest of the Story
In this edition:
- Fukushima – The Rest of the Story (aka Paul Harvey)
- “Show Me” Superior Green Building Performance
- Indoor Air Quality Modeling
Fukushima – The Rest of the Story
By Robert C. McCue, PE
MDCSystems® Consulting Engineer
• Flawed concept of sharing power between plants (station black-out criteria);
• Only one diesel generator per plant (single failure criterion ignored);
• Diesel Generator and emergency switchgear located below flood level (emergency planning);
• Hydrogen vent valves inoperable due to lack of AC Power (single failure criteria and station black-out); and
• Emergency planning and late/deficient response by TEPCO and the Japanese government in providing emergency/evacuation information and electrical power generation units to allow for the venting and cool-down of the units and the cooling of the spent fuel pools to avert additional releases of radioactive gases into the environment (emergency planning deficiencies).
I’m from Missouri – “Show Me” Superior Green Building Performance
By E. Mitchell Swann, PE, LEED
Rating Systems, Design Guidance and Performance Measurement/Verification
Concomitant to the development of green building ratings systems such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and Green Globes , there has been a growth in both design guidance and performance measurement and verification of green building metrics so that buildings might be more readily ‘compared’ in terms of energy and resource use as described above. There are also other comparative tools that are not related to any specific rating system but comparing your building to industry norms for similar building types.