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Category: Project/Construction Management

What Standard? Under Whose Care?

What Standard? Under Whose Care?

Can a Designer or Owner shift responsibility for design errors and omissions by requiring an enhanced effort for construction coordination drawings by contractors?

To answer this question we will recount an example project that was bid as Design-Bid-Build where the fundamental element of the dispute was design defects with regard to spatial arrangement and sizing of system features.

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Real Risk Management – Read the Contract

Real Risk Management – Read the Contract

Construction is as timeless as the pyramids. As a result, the most common construction risks have already been identified and allocated in the terms and conditions of standard form contracts. These are published by a multitude of professional associations such as the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) and the American Institute of Architects (AIA). This article discusses the practical aspects of risk management and how to convert a potential problem to work to your advantage.

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Risk Management in Design

Risk Management in Design

In previous editions of the MDCAdvisor®, our contributors have addressed risk issues relative to budgeting and cost estimating as well as overall risk considerations. A key contributor to almost all of the potential project risk scenarios is the conception, development and execution of the design process for the project.

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Systems Thinking – A New Paradigm for Successful Projects

Systems Thinking – A New Paradigm for Successful Projects

How can a large, well-funded capital project fail to achieve its technical, cost and performance goals and why is this still acommon outcome? These projects are typically undertaken by teams of personnel from the Owner, Architect and Engineer firms and Contractors. How can such a collection of talent, carefully selected based upon experience and references, fail to deliver?

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The Internet of Things : Managing Risk & Reward

The Internet of Things : Managing Risk & Reward

A hot topic in the industry today is the “Internet of Things” (IoT).  The IoT is the use of “smart” devices, transmitters and systems to facilitate the real time transmission of information, control of equipment and optimized operation of systems; often including or via some Internet-based communication network.  The objective is to make the information available anywhere, easily and in real time to improve decision making and operations.  Information is collected by the devices and transmitted via a wireless network to a centralized and/or cloud-based “head end” and control commands are sent back via the same system.  The IoT has been enabled by advances in the miniaturization of computer processing power, the development of interoperable communications and processing platforms and the growing ubiquity of high-speed, wireless, broadband networks.  That’s the stuff that puts your email on your smartphone.

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Complexity: A Transient Condition Precedent to Project Failure

Complexity: A Transient Condition Precedent to Project Failure

Robert C. McCue, P.E.
MDC Systems®
Consulting Engineer

MDCSystems® has been providing Forensic Project Management (FPM®) services for over forty years for industrial, transportation and institutional capital projects. Using this extensive knowledge base, MDC®, develops and conducts seminars for the public and private sectors on many topics including the topic of Complexity and Systems Thinking.

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Inoculate Your Project Team to Prevent Construction Failures

Inoculate Your Project Team to Prevent Construction Failures

Robert C. McCue, P.E.
Consulting Engineer

If you are seeing a rise in problem projects and difficult work-outs, take steps now to inoculate your project team for success and profitability.  Basic PMBOK training is certainly necessary but not entirely sufficient to ensure success in today’s fast-paced project environment.

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